Wednesday, August 1, 2012

A Little Pizza Pizzaz

IMG 2987

I made gluten-free, sugar-free, vegan pizza crusssssst! Oh yeah, oh yeah! Woot, woot! *insert happy kitchen dance*
You may or may not realize that I am gluten-free.  I also try to avoid refined sugars like they're going out of style (which they are, btw) and nasty processed, dyed cheeses (hence the creamy goat cheese and raw mozzarella you see pictured above).  Also, for those of you who care, it is GUM FREE!
And do you know what is on that lovely, chewy, thick WHOLE GRAIN crust? Fresh, homemade, local, vegan pesto!
And to top it off, Sam even liked it!
Here's what creation phase looked like:
Pizza IngredientsMmmm flour mix, olive oil, yeast                                       mozz and goat cheese                                              pesto, spinach, tomatoes 

And here is the dough rising, just like my Mama taught me:
IMG 2974

 Sam put on the toppings and cut it up to eat. Yum!
Pizza Collage

Now that you're good and hungry, go make yourself something delicious!  And whether it has animal, gluten, or veggies in it, make it organic and, if possible, local! Enjoy creating, ducklings :)